Thursday, September 14, 2017


I was applying for something to get to review for free and one of the questions was, "how many page views in the last month did you have on your blog?" I came and checked and saw over 700 page views in a month, I do not ever really having that many views in the years I've been posting on my blog. So Thank You readers/viewers for checking my blog for updates and reviews. I would do a giveaway to say thank you as I know that is what most bloggers do and I enjoy giveaways myself, however I wouldn't know where to start or what to giveaway. If you want a giveaway, comment below with an idea of what you would want to win and I'll consider it. Another thing is I only have 5 subscribers, it would help my chances at reviewing products for free if you read my blog if you would subscribe. I appreciate you all for sticking around and checking out for updates of things to do and also for reviews of different products I get to try and test for free.  

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